Tuition & Fees

Effective September 2024 - August 2025

Infants & Mobile Babies (6 weeks to about 15 - 18 months)
1:3 Average Ratio
Toddlers (15 - 18 months to about 24 months)
1:3 Average Ratio
1:4 Average Ratio
1:7 Average Ratio
Fours (Pre-K)
1:9 Average Ratio
Fives (Pre-K Enrichment)
1:10 Average Ratio

September 2025 - August 2026 rates to be announced May 2025

*Tuition and fees are subject to change. The school strives to provide three months' notice of such changes. Tuition rates typically adjust each September, usually about 5%.

As a nonprofit, our tuition is simply a reflection of what it costs to care for each child at the school. To provide the best environment possible, our community of families and caregivers needs active participation by parents. Parental participation is encouraged and expected in such activities as chaperoning field trips, participating in class parties and social events, helping with fundraisers and donating to the school and/or contributing in other ways to meet the school’s needs.

Enrollment Fees and Deposits

  • A deposit of one month’s tuition is required to hold a space when offered. If you accept a space and then elect to not enroll your child at RSCC for any reason, you will forfeit this deposit.
  • The deposit is held by the school and applied to the child’s last monthly statement provided parents provide written notice at least one calendar month prior to withdrawal and the child has been enrolled in the school for at least 2 months.
  • A non-refundable registration fee of $50 per child is required at the time of enrollment. This is credited from your waitlist fee if applicable.

Tuition FAQs

What are tuition rates based on?

Tuition and fees are based on the type of classroom your child is in, and these rates change when your child moves from one class to the next. All tuition rates are monthly regardless of class days per month –there are no discounts or credits for holidays or absences.

What if my child starts or ends in the middle of a month?

When families start or end in the middle of the month, tuition is charged at the daily rate or at the full monthly rate, whichever is less.

How can I pay my tuition and when is it due?

Checks should be made payable to Rock Spring Children’s Center or RSCC. Unless prior written arrangements are made, all fees must be received on or before the first day of each month. A late fee of $25 is imposed for payments not received by the fifth of the month, plus a $5 fee per day thereafter until balances are paid in full. A $35 fee is charged for each returned check. If tuition is not paid by the 10th day of the month, enrollment will be suspended until the tuition is paid. Continual late payments may result in immediate dismissal from the school and forfeiture of deposit.

What extracurriculars are included in the tuition?

RSCC provides weekly music and movement classes. By popular demand, we also have outside services that offer extracurricular activities at the school including ballet, soccer and JumpBunch. Families interested in those activities for their children pay those companies directly to participate.

Is food/drink included in the tuition?

Parents are responsible for bringing lunch for their children and any special food or drinks they may require (such as bottles for infants). RSCC provides breakfast, an afternoon snack (two for toddlers), milk, and infant formula. For those who choose to opt-in, we have an arrangement with an outside food service to provide lunch daily for children in the toddler classes and up. The cost of the lunch service is $75 per month or $5 per day. There is an additional $6 charge for any day you do not bring a lunch for your child if you are not signed up for the lunch service.

What are the fees for late pick-up?

A cash fine of $10 for each 15 minutes or portion thereof is paid directly to the staff for late pick-up of a child. Continual late pickup will result in dismissal from the school. If you know you won’t be able to pick up your child by 6 pm, extended care until 6:45 pm is available most days.

Does RSCC offer extended care?

Yes, extended care is available most days until 6:45 pm at an additional charge of $100 per month or $10 per use. However, you must notify the school by 4 pm if you plan to use this service. Extended care is not available on days when we close early, have staff meetings or events at the end of the school day, and other days that will be announced in advance.

Does RSCC offer drop-in services?

The school offers drop-in service, space permitting, at a daily rate for families who need short-term care. The fees are $115 per day for preschoolers and $135 per day for infants and toddlers. Drop-in services must be reserved in advance and are only available when space allows.

Does RSCC offer part-time options?

While we understand that families sometimes need part-time and temporary options, RSCC does not officially offer these options. When we are able to make exceptions to this policy, it will be under conditions that ensure the spots are fully paid for each month. Families interested in this option should review the part-time agreement that they will have to fill out to engage in a part-time arrangement.